If I hurt you, then I hate myself
The sky fell down, pulled us in
Stole away my oxygen
Left me standing breathless there with you

The ocean wrapped around the sun
The smell of June, the taste of your tongue
Is all I'd ever need
And jealousy's the cousin of greed
How Do You Leave The Past Behind
When It Keeps Finding Ways To Get To
Your Heart

It Reaches Way Down Deep And Tears
You Inside Out
Til You're Torn Apart
And I don't want the world to see me..
I wonder if you'll be able to handle me
Mental pictures
No cameras please

DJ, Turn it Up!
Turn up the music
Can I hear it til the speakers blow
Turn up the music
Fill your cup and drink it down

Can I hear it til the speakers blow
Turn up the music
Fill your cup and drink it down

Touching Her... Thinking of You...
Give me some time alone
Give me a second to breathe
Give me a minute to think
Give me a minute to think

Give me an eternity to think about
how to not think of you...
Just Take Me
I want you to abuse me
Use me
Shut up and do me
Use me
Shut up and do me
Grab me
Stab me
Go on and have me

Buckle Up, I'mma Give It To You Stronger
Hands Up, We Can Go A Little Longer
Tonight I'mma Get A Little Crazy
Get A Little Crazy, Baby
Stop Hiding
Come out, come out
Stop hiding in your shell and dream alone
Come out, come out
Show your sparkling eyes and part the clouds
But don't despair
I'm on your side
A topsy turvy saviour in the night
So follow me
The melody
Who'll turn you inside out and set you free
Stop hiding in your shell and dream alone
Come out, come out
Show your sparkling eyes and part the clouds
But don't despair
I'm on your side
A topsy turvy saviour in the night
So follow me
The melody
Who'll turn you inside out and set you free

Lid för konsten eller brinn
Jag slåss och håller kroppen varm...
Hoppar och trampar på ditt hjärta
Jag vill sova i ditt hjärta nu
Kan vi inte bara sova
Något litet enkelt lätt
som slutar när vi é klara
Jag kan vara mer än nog för mig
Hur mycket plats får jag ta
Går nära alla husen så ingen trampar på mig

Sprider kärlek på
en gata med för mycket
ensamhet sätt på
hörlurarna du slipper
skrik men vad vet jag